Our in-house Client Success Team will be in touch to explain the process and help you make plans for your Stage 1 assessment.
- Stage 1 assessment – identifying gaps
There’s no pressure for the first assessment; many are surprised by what they already have in place. The report issued will highlight the steps you need to take to achieve your certification.
- Stage 2 assessment – in-depth review
When you’re ready, our auditor will complete a full assessment to establish if your management systems and processes meet the requirements of the standard. A critical part of your Stage 2 assessment will be reviewing real examples of the delivery of your products and services. You’ll be advised of the Auditor’s recommendations on the day, which will be ratified by our Compliance department, and your certification will be issued following the decision subject to compliance with the standard.
- SUCCESS! Certification issued
We’ll help keep you up-to-date ISO certification’s excellent reputation is driven by its requirement for ongoing assessments and continual improvement, so we’ll keep in touch and arrange annual assessments to keep your certification up to date.